Spotlight On AdC's Ms May C A Szarek
C A Szarek
Ms May
AdC's Calendar Girl
C A Szarek Ms May AdC’s Calendar Girl
USA Today Bestselling, award winning author of romantic suspense, epic and historical fantasy romance, C.A. loves to dabble in different genres. If it's a good story, she'll write it, no matter where it seems to fit!
She's a hopeless romantic and always will be. Risking it all for Happily Ever After is what she lives by!
C.A. is originally from Ohio, but got to Texas as soon as she could. She's happily married and has a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.
She's always writing, and helps small business owners by writing their websites, and she loves it!
Tell us about the genre(s) you write. Why did you choose to go in that direction?
I always say I write everything. LOL I have series in epic fantasy romance, historical fantasy romance (Scottish Highlander Time Travels) and romantic suspense. But I also have some others I don’t have books out for, including paranormal romance and maybe even a YA romance. I just write what I feel. It didn’t happen on purpose.
Tell us about the type of characters you love to write about.
Strong, sassy, sarcastic heroines and strong males. I like me an alpha male or two.
Do you have a new book or series?
I’m still caught up in the Highland Treasures series. I currently have two books out in. It is a spin-off of my Highland Secrets series, and I am working on the 3rd book in the series. It’s called Highland Skies, and it will be out in November. Instead of time travel, this one takes place in the Fae Realm. I am excited to explore more of that world.
I have Highland Essence, which is out, and the cover of the next one. The new cover will be revealed in the print magazine, so hopefully, it will be a treat for readers. You’re seeing it there first.
Favorite quote:
Who Wills…Can
Who Tries…Does
Who Loves…Lives
-Anne McCaffery
If you were transported to the setting of the book you're currently reading or writing, where would you be?
Ohhh, that would be fun. The romanticized version, anyways. LOL. I would be in 1799 in Scotland, on the Isle of Skye as well as in the Fae Realm (where the faeries live). It would be loads of fun and danger.
Do you hide any “Easter eggs” secrets/truths in your books that only a few people will find?
I do! You might see a character/situation pop up that seems vague but if you read my books, you’ll know who I’m talking about. I love doing that!
If you saw a doorway/portal in the middle of the forest, would you enter it?
For sure! I wouldn’t be able to help myself. Hopefully I am well prepared. LOL.
What scenes do you find hard to write and why?
I think this differs for me per book, and it would probably be if/when I get stuck. Motoring through and figuring out what happens next is my nemesis. I recognize I do it to myself, because I can’t (don’t) plot, but it’s usually a different point for each book, or more than once. LOL.
Will you be attending any book signings or conventions?
Yes! In July, I will be at Writers On the River in East Peoria, Illinois! In October, I will be in San Diego, California for Historical Romance Retreat and I am super excited for them both! Hope to see readers there!
What's something about you -- personality traits, habits, background, etc that has been useful in your writing?
Writing is just so engrained for me I’m not sure. I have been a writer since I was very little—and before I wrote stories, I constantly told them in my head. I just think it’s a part of me. Writing is like breathing.
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