Spotlight On AdC's Ms March Candace Colt

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Spotlight On

AdC's Ms. March 2023

Candace Colt Ms March 2023 Calendar Spotlight


Before becoming a full-time author, Candace had careers in health care, as a K-college educator, and as a library administrator. Along the way, she met wonderful people who inspired her stories by showing how everyday gestures make a world of difference in our lives and relationships. It’s her goal to take those experiences, add a bit of magical realism, and turn them into uplifting stories that engage and entertain.

  1. Tell us about the genre(s) you write. Why did you choose to go in that direction?

My genre is a delicious blend of contemporary and paranormal romance with a touch of magical realism. All my stories are sweet romances. While I love reading all types of fiction, I’ve always been drawn to stories that took me out of the commonplace world. In the beginning, I tried writing traditional romance. But my characters had other ideas! The best thing I ever did as an author was to get out of my own way and let the characters tell their stories how they wanted them written.

  1. Tell us about the type of characters you love to write about.

My characters are ordinary people in extraordinary worlds. They have charming and lovable sides but also flaws, issues, and backstories. And almost all of my characters have a special gift. It’s quite a list: witches, wizards, time-travelers, ghosts, mediums, psychics, shifters, and fae. In almost every book, I have a snarky know-it-all cat who’s a bit magical. Of course, regular characters appear, too. The story starts when non-magical and magical humans discover they’ve fallen in love. 

  1. Do you have a new book or series?

I became an indie writer after several years of writing for small publishers. That decision was scary and exhilarating at the same time. In 2022, I launched my first indie series: Baga Shores Romance. The first two books in the series, Bewitching Andie and Charming Sabrina came out in 2022. My newest book, Enchanting Robbi, will be available this spring on Amazon.

  1. Favorite quote:

First, find out what your hero/heroine wants, then just follow them!  Ray Bradbury

  1. If you were transported to the setting of the book you’re currently reading or writing, where would you be?

I’m already there! My Baga Shores series is set in a small coastal town on the west side of Tampa Bay, based on the small town where I live. The only difference is that Baga Shores is populated with magical people. Sadly, my town isn’t—or is it?

  1. Do you hide any “Easter eggs” secrets/truths in your books that only a few people will find?

I hope that readers see beyond the fictional settings and tropes and discover the underlying truth that everyone is worthy of a “HEA” no matter who or what they are, where they come from, or how life’s treated them.

  1. If you saw a doorway/portal in the middle of the forest, would you enter it?

Under certain conditions, absolutely yes! But I’d need reassurance that I could return if I chose to. Oh, and they’d have to serve coffee on the other side, too!

  1. What scenes do you find hard to write and why?

The ending! I know how I want the story to end and usually have that in mind throughout. The hard part is ensuring a satisfying emotional impact for the reader. I usually rewrite the ending three or four times to get it where it needs to be.

  1. Will you be attending any book signings or conventions?

In September, I’ll be at the 2023 Books at the Beach Book Convention and Author Signing at the Sirata Hotel in St. Pete Beach. I’m also scheduled for local Florida library book signings throughout 2023, so check my website or follow me on Facebook for dates and locations.

  1. What’s something about you -- personality traits, habits, background, etc that has been useful in your writing?

I’ve always been a people watcher. Humans are so interesting, and it’s fun to make up stories about them. Let’s pretend I see a woman sitting alone on a park bench in the middle of a busy farmer’s market day. The next thing I know, I’ve made her into the heroine in my next book. Maybe she’s just tired or waiting for someone. But in my story, she’s just arrived from the seventeenth century and has no idea where she is or why she’s there. The guy running the vegetable stand feels sorry for her and offers her a peach. Their gazes meet, and whammo! A story!

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