Spotlight On AdC's Ms February Pam Binder

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Spotlight On

AdC's Ms. February 2023

Ms February 2023 Calendar Spotlight


Pam Binder is an award-winning New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling author. The author resides in a suburb of Seattle, beneath snow-capped mountains where she set her Matchmaker Café time travel series. Pam writes young adult, romance, historical, time travel and fantasy fiction. She likes to write about strong women, and infuse myths, legends and magic into everything she writes.


  1. Tell us about the genre(s) you write. Why did you choose to go in that direction?

I love to write in a variety of genres from romance, historical, fantasy to young adult fiction, because I like to read in a variety of genres. And I am grateful my publishers support me and my vivid imagination. My interests span a wide range of topics. I was a science fiction nerd before that was mainstream and had a chat with Dr. Stephen Hawking over his cameo in a Star Trek TV show.  

  1. Tell us about the type of characters you love to write about.

As a history and research geek, I learned that the way women were portrayed throughout history was incorrect. Everyone has heard of Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Queen Elizabeth I. There were many more. Women were doctors, architects, inventors, painters, sculptors and writers. They defended their castles and homes when men went off to war.  They fought alongside men in battle, led armies, negotiated treaties, and advised kings and queens. Women were as they are now: unstoppable. That is one of the reasons I write. I want to tell their stories.

  1. Do you have a new book or series? I am working on two series.

One is a Regency, and the other a fantasy set in Ireland.  

  1. Favorite quote:

There are so many, but this one speaks to me today. “"Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda.

  1. If you were transported to the setting of the book you're currently reading or writing where would you be?

A great question. I would be transported to 1814 England.

  1. Do you hide any “Easter eggs” secrets/truths in your books that only a few people will find?

Another great question. I do extensive research for all of my novels. My main focus is always to shed new light on the real lives of the women throughout history. My goal is to not just entertain, but to teach my readers something about history they might not have learned in school.

  1. If you saw a doorway/portal in the middle of the forest, would you enter it?

Of course! I was reminded of my need to see the unseen at a writers’ conference last weekend. Our retreat was on the ocean, and the tide was going out. The sand in this area was like quicksand, and a few people were stuck up to their ankles before they pulled free. Someone said they thought they saw a whale but didn’t feel it was safe to venture further out. I ignored everyone and almost got stranded, but I saw the whale surface. Well worth the risk.

  1. What scenes do you find hard to write and why?

Each book is different so that is hard to generalize. Sometimes the battle scenes are a challenge. Sometimes it is the sex scenes. But when that happens. I keep writing until the scene becomes clear.

  1. Will you be attending any book signings or conventions?

BookLovers in June and Pacific Northwest Writers Conference in September, 2023.

  1. What's something about you -- personality traits, habits, background, etc. that has been useful in your writing?

I am curious about literally everything. I’m always asking the question, what if? I like to know the origin story of everything. I’m fascinated about nature’s connection to us and us to it.

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