Spotlight On AdC's Ms November Teri Riggs

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Spotlight On

Teri Riggs

AdC's Ms November Calendar Girl

Teri Riggs Spotlight On


As a small girl she didn’t read bedtime stories, she made up my own.  Who needed Little Red Riding Hood or The Three Little Pigs when there were so many great tales bouncing around in her head?  When she became a mother to three little girls, she continued the tradition of making up bedtime stories.  She would give the fairytales a bit of tweaking here and there or add a new ending. Her girls loved it.  She still tells herself stories as she falls asleep. The only difference now is when she wakes up the next morning, she turn them into books.


  1. Tell us about the genre(s) you write. Why did you choose to go in that direction?  

I write mostly romantic suspense. It’s what I read so I like to write it.


  1. Tell us about the type of characters you love to write about. 

My heroes are Alpha males and the heroines are always strong.


  1. Do you have a new book or series? 

Still working on my paranormal trilogy and my historical western trilogy. I’m way behind after unexpectedly taking the summer off from writing.


  1. Favorite quote:

Never give up.


  1. If you were transported to the setting of the book you're currently reading or writing, where would you be?

The beach.


  1. Do you hide any “Easter eggs” secrets/truths in your books that only a few people will find?

I used to but it’s been a while.


  1. If you saw a doorway/portal in the middle of the forest, would you enter it?



  1. What scenes do you find hard to write and why?

Sex scenes. Maybe because my son-in-law and brother-in-law are in the ministry.


  1. Will you be attending any book signings or conventions?

I’ll be at 20BooksVegas in November. I’m going to Readers Take Denver, TropiCon, and Space Coast Book Lovers in 2024.


  1. What's something about you -- personality traits, habits, background, etc. that has been useful in your writing?

I used to be a nurse. 


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Personal web page





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