Spotlight On AdC's Ms September Celia Breslin
Spotlight On AdC’s
Ms September
Celia Breslin
Celia lives in California with her husband, daughter, and three feisty cats. She writes urban fantasy and paranormal and sci-fi romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves, vampires, cyborgs, and the Fae. When not writing, Celia likes to exercise (yes, really!), read a good book, hang with her family, or indulge her addiction to fantasy TV shows and movies.
Tell us about the genre(s) you write and the type of characters you love to write about.
I write urban fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi romance. Characters tend to come to me before their story does. The ones who are the loudest in my head get their story written first. I love them all, but I do have favorites, particularly the feisty characters who are a little dark on the outside, and full of warm fuzzies on the inside. For example, Jonas the vampire in the Tranquilli Bloodline Series. I also love my snarky characters, such as my Celtic god Luke in “An Angel’s Obsession”.
Do you have a new book or series?
Yes, two actually. I started a new sci-fi romance series this year, Cyborg Guardians of the Aurora. The first story, “Claiming Kaden”, is currently up for pre-order in the Beyond Earth anthology. My series will feature several alpha cyborgs and the humans who love them. If you enjoy the Fated Mates trope, check it out. I’m also working on a paranormal romance series, Forbidden Royals of Faerie, and there’s a dark fairy tale short, “The Night Hag”, out now and set in that world (free to my newsletter subscribers!).
Which tasks/projects do you find you tend to procrastinate on and why?
Besides laundry? LOL… In my work, I tend to put off creating ads, submitting them, and tracking their results. I’d rather be writing!
If you had to pick any character in one of your books, who is most similar to you, who would you choose? Why?
Two characters come to mind. Nicky in “A Warrior’s Kiss”, because she’s a teacher (and so was I), and also Melanie in “Melanie’s Awakening,” because she’s a writer and so am I.
If you were transported to the setting of the book you're currently reading or writing, where would you be?
I’m currently working on a Halloween story, “The Lady of the Oak”, so I would be transported from San Francisco to the Sonoma wine country in Northern California, and specifically Sonoma Valley Regional Park, in Glen Ellen, CA. From there, depending on where I walked in the park, I’d be transported to Faerie.
If you saw a doorway/portal in the middle of the forest, would you enter it?
Probably, especially if I could tell it was a portal to Faerie.
What do you wish you were better at?
Drawing and graphic design. I like to sketch and make graphics, but my skills are rudimentary at best.
What is something you say a lot?
“Ohmigod, kitty, nooooooooo!”
What do you do when no one is around?
When running away for fun, where can you most likely be found?
Somewhere in the Northern California wine country.
Where is one place you don’t like to be?
The ER.
You get in trouble, who are you most likely with?
My vampires. They’re feisty. Oh, did you mean in reality? My girlfriends. ;-)
What are one of your quirks?
I used to twirl a piece of my long hair around my finger, but I cut my hair recently. It’s short, so now I need a new quirk!
Will you be attending any book signings or conventions?
Nothing on the calendar at the moment, but you can always say hello to me on social media. Also, I’ll be participating in the 9th Annual Bewitching Book Tours’ Haunted Halloween Spooktacular tour and book event online, so follow me on my blog, Insta, X, or Facebook for more info on how to join us for the bookish fun!
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