Spotlight On AdC's Ms February Deborah Camp

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AdC Magazine's Ms February

Deborah Camp Spotlight Author Interview Questions

Author of more than 50 novels, Deborah lives in Oklahoma. She has been a full-time writer since she graduated from the University of Tulsa. She worked for a few years as a reporter for newspapers before becoming a freelance writer. Deborah's first novel was published in the late 1970s and her books have been published by Jove, New American Library, Harlequin, Silhouette, and Avon. She has been inducted into the Oklahoma Authors Hall of Fame and she is a charter member of the Romance Writers of America. She is also a member of the Author's Guild.


Tell us about the genre(s) you write.

I write both contemporary and historical romances.


Tell us about the type of characters you love to write about.

I love bad boys and sassy girls. I like men that are a little mysterious, too. My female protagonists (the one in the historicals) are usually a bit ahead of their time. More independent than most women.


Do you have a new book or series?

Not at the moment. I’m wrapping up a contemporary romance and I’m outlining my next western historical.


If you had to pick any character in one of your books, who is most similar to you, who would you choose? Why?

I’d say that Trudy Tucker in my romantic suspense series – The Mind’s Eye – is most similar to me. She has a problem with self-esteem and has always felt a bit out of step with others her age. I associated closely with her vulnerability and amazement that a handsome devil like Levi Wolfe would fall in love with her.


If you were transported to the setting of the book you're currently reading or writing, where would you be?

I’d be in Kansas. Both of the books I’m working on are set there, but they are set in different centuries!


If you saw a doorway/portal in the middle of the forest, would you enter it?

Probably not. My heroines are the brave ones. I’m a chicken!


What do you wish you were better at?

I wish I could play piano by ear. I so envy people who are proficient in piano. I also wouldn’t mind being fluent in another language. I can speak and understand some French and German, but I’m far from fluent in either one. My significant other was fluent in English, French, German, and Italian. He could also converse, but not fluently, in Spanish and Swedish. I used to love to listen to him conducting business in different languages on the phone. Of course, he could say anything to me in French and I’d melt. Even if it wasn’t all that melt-worthy!


Which tasks/projects do you find you tend to procrastinate on and why?

Laundry and any sort of housework. The older I get the more I hate those activities. I sometimes procrastinate writing certain scenes – ones that I know will be difficult. But I’ve been at this long enough to know that I must forge on, so I don’t allow myself to put any writing off for long.


What's something about you -- personality traits, habits, background, etc. that has been useful in your writing?

I like to research things and I am naturally curious. In fact, a few friends have accused me of being “nosey.” I don’t see it that way. I’m just interested in people – especially in how lovers met, how they knew they were in love, how they proposed marriage, and that sort of thing. But I also love to hear heroic stories. I’m in awe of Holocaust survivors. Interviewing people was my favorite part of being a reporter. I think there is an interesting story in everyone. When I meet people, I tend to pepper them with questions, which is know can be intimidating, but I’m genuinely interested in their answers. I find it odd when people don’t turn the tables and ask me stuff. I mean, I’ve known some people for years and they knew very little about me because they never asked. I find that extremely peculiar. Think about it --- what makes a good bartender or hair stylist? They ask questions and listen to your answers! Almost everyone likes to talk about themselves or, at the very least, offer their opinion on subjects. So, yeah, if curiosity killed the cat, I’d be long gone!


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