Spotlight On AdC's Ms March Tamalyn Scott
Tamalyn Scott Spotlight Author Interview Questions
Tamalyn is a writer, an artist and loves all music. Tamalyn's love for taking people on a journey to a place where you actually become the main character and experience something amazing is her goal. As she puts it, "I love to take people somewhere where true love exists." Tamalyn's first novels, “Gracey” and “Rebecca,” are still well loved and has just released her third novel, “Bethany.” Currently, Tamalyn lives in Florida, married her very own knight and is happily ever after... All of her books are all self-standing.

Do you have a new book or series?
I write a series that are actually in the future but reads like a long ago past. I am currently writing the sixth novel. They are all in the same timeline but self-standing.
If you were transported to the setting of the book you're currently reading or writing, where would you be?
I would be in a future starting in the year 2552 and in the southern territory.
How do you name your characters?
I prefer old-fashioned names for the main characters and the men are usually a Scottish name.
What part of the book was the most fun to write?
For me, it’s always my main character, a female, discovering that there is so much more to the man in her life than she ever could imagine.
How much fun do you have coming up with names for your characters and how do you find them?
Since I write in first person and I love old fashioned names, my female names come to me as if I heard their name audibly and as if the book has already been written.
Where and when would you travel to if you were given a time machine?
I would travel to a middle territory like Missouri to start my journey. I would also travel to a southern territory like Louisiana along the beach to find my place. I most likely end up in the territory of Kentucky and Tennessee.
What do you do when you can’t quite get into writing mode?
I dream of the time I wish to write about. I also may read my last novel to be refocused.
What traditions do you believe should be brought back?
Well, the future holds a time where men are men and don’t complain about taking the garbage out and men put God in their lives first. Women are respected and courted properly.
What do you like to do when it’s time to kick back?
I love to watch movies that make me laugh and that I don’t have to think or guess what will happen.
Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn to do?
I am blessed with so many talents that the only thing I would like to learn about is marketing and sales. So many Indy authors are not recognized these days as there are now so many that publish books.
Will you be attending any book signings or conventions?
I go to in state book fairs. I’d love to attend them all.
Please give us the following contact information:
Personal web page:
Twitter: @tamalynscott
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