Exclusive Coeur Club Members
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Affaire de Coeur Magazine -- The Club for Authors
Join the Coeur Club, the exclusive club for all authors, all books, and all genres. All for the low price of $125 per membership year.
Let's tell you what you'll receive being an exclusive yearly member.
1. You'll be put on a priority list to receive book reviews of your new releases. (In order to stay with Affaire de Coeur policies, reviews cannot be guaranteed.)
2. You'll receive one free 1/2 page ad in the print magazine.
3. All of your website ads will be drastically reduced 75% off the listed rates.
4. You'll receive 50% off our print magazine ads.
5. 50% off Affaire de Coeur's print subscription.
6. You'll receive a free complimentary copy of the AdC pdf copy of the magazine for as long as you remain a member.
7. An Author Page and a link from the Coeur Club Member author list
8. Book cover of your choice on the front page of the Affaire de Coeur Website and will be promoted year round on our social media websites!
9. 50% off AdC Catalog ads
10. Full page ad upon renewal of Coeur Club membership
Incredible savings and great exposure all for $125 per membership year.
We now have a Square account. If you'd like us to invoice you through Square, please email PamAckerson@adcmagazine.com
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