Nia Farrell

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Nia Farrell is a four-times Golden Flogger Finalist, a founding member of the Wicked Pens, and a multi-genre author who is published in nonfiction, poetry, music, articles, and children's books, with one documentary screenplay under her literary belt. She had nine nominations in the 2016 Summer Indie Book Awards; her BDSM MMF ménage erotic historical As Wicked as You Want was voted #1 Erotica and #10 overall in The 50 Best Indie Books of 2016, and Pride and Punishment was voted Best Historical Romance in the 2017 Menages Romance Readers Favorites!




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SOMEDAY by Claire Marta and Nia Farrell

Release Date 4 May 2024


Amazon paperback ISBN 9798323915231

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**Sweet Romance**

Letters from home bolster a soldier fighting on the frontlines of World War II.


In a poignant military sweet romance, a U.S. Army engineer with Patton’s Third Army in France and his fiancée in Illinois share news and memories, dreaming of the day when they can finally be together. 



Dearest Rob,

I hope my letter finds you safe. It’s already October, and last weekend I made a pumpkin pie. I wish I could send you a slice. Papa says I’ll have to bake you one when you come home. 

Nothing much has changed here. Our corner of the world feels barely touched by the war compared to what others have suffered. It’s only the absence of the young men that makes it real.

I’m sad to be the bearer of bad news, but your parents’ neighbor, Mrs. Cross, received word that both her sons were killed in the war mere days apart. I don’t know the details, but she’s heartbroken over losing Paul and Frank. She hasn’t been the only one to receive bad news. Promise you’ll come home to me, Rob. Promise me you’ll be careful and stay safe. I can’t imagine my life without you. I miss you so much….

Grab your copy today!

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Blood Fae Academy includes


(Wildwood Fae Academy Book 1)

by Claire Marta and Nia Farrell

Torch teasers and excerpt:

Series webpage


After a part-Fae teenager’s powers awaken, she’s enrolled in an Otherworldly academy

where purebloods and mixed-bloods learn to master the elements.


Homeschooled for most of her life, Astra Greene isn’t prepared for her senior year in public school. When a bully targets an at-risk girl, Astra’s anger flares—and so does the bully’s phone, bursting into flames.

Suddenly, her life is turned upside down, and she's enrolled in the Wildwood Fae Academy, where deadly creatures roam outside the walls and dangers lurk within. Surviving in this strange, new world will require mastering her powers—the sooner, the better.

A YA story, Torch introduces the new Wildwood Fae Academy Series.


The flagstone path wound through vegetation that spilled over the edges, nearly obscuring it in places. When the path forked, Dana veered left, stopping when they reached a water feature. A miniature thatched-roof cottage sat beside a pool filled with water lilies. Their creamy white blooms contrasted sharply with the broad, dark leaves floating on the surface.

A cute little marsh frog was lounging on one of them.

“That’s Omar,” Dana informed her, pointing to the amphibian, who blinked his yellow eyes when he heard his name. “I don’t know the full story, but supposedly he’s cursed.”

“Cursed?” Astra repeated. “As in, he’s not really a frog?”

Dana nodded. “Not an ordinary frog, anyway. He’s been here for years and years, way longer than frogs usually live. And he knows things. Understands things. His name, for one.”

Astra was skeptical until she saw the frog wink at Dana.

“Maybe he’s a student who failed to master his powers,” Astra speculated. “Rhys—my father—said I had to stay here until I mastered mine, but what happens when someone doesn’t? Do they go home in disgrace? Are they exiled to a commune made of failures? How long do students stay at Wildwood, anyway? Who’s been here the longest?”

Dana bit her lip. “Just guessing, I’d say Maurelle. Purebloods have four elements to master, so they’re usually here for a while. You won’t be,” she predicted. “Not the way you picked up torching. It took me a week of practice to light one finger, let alone ten like you did.”

Astra hoped Dana was right. It was only her first day, and she missed her mother and grandmother. A terrible thought crossed her mind. Even after she mastered her powers, would they let her return to her family and stay there, or had she been banished to this plane of existence?

What if the ruling council rejected her father’s promise and refused to let her leave? What if she was never allowed to go home?

Blood Fae Academy anthology by Claire Marta & Nia Farrell, Eileen Troemel, F. East, Margy Millet, Nathalie M.L. Römer, Angie Cottingham, Susan Stradiotto, and W. M. Dawson.


Eight stories beg the question: Will our Fae world survive all the changes?


Cover by Scott Carpenter.

Release Date 25 January 2024

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by Nia Farrell



Blue Boy aka Sean Callahan

When a biker from a rival club chases a beautiful woman into my arms, I gladly agree to play her fake boyfriend. By evening’s end, she’s willing to take me home and spend the night. Imagine my surprise when she’s up for some kinky roleplay. This woman is a mystery and the most perfect partner I’ve ever had, submissive by nature and willing to explore.


I should have known it was too good to be true.


This book contains adult situations, consensual kink, advanced BDSM, and adult roleplay. The story moves from a fake boyfriend to fifty shades of filthy before the couple parts, reconnecting seven years later in the epilogue. Their story concludes in Nobody’s Baby (A Devil’s Handmaidens MC Novel: Wolf Creek Chapter Book 1), a second-chance romance out 9 March 2023. Written for Ages 18+.